The Ghost that Blew Raspberries and Giggled Lots

"Blowing raspberry involves sticking your tongue out of your mouth and producing a noise similar to that created by flatulence, similar to that of gas as it is passed through the anus." Urban Dictionary

 "raspberry" is short for raspberry tart - fart - rhyming slang


The gardener turned around but saw no-one, he went back to his work weeding the border and a few seconds later there was another, "BZZZZPT!"

The gardener stopped what he was doing and had a good look around, peering over the hedge expecting to see a child from the village scurry away. Nothing, so back to weeding.


Okay so just what was going on? This time the gardener blew a raspberry right back and was rewarded with muffled giggles. Smiling he returned to his work.


The exchange of "raspberries" went on until the gardener's wife came out of the house with a cup of tea for him, then all went quiet. Both husband and wife believe the raspberry blower to be just one of the many ghostly "visitors" who frequent their 200 year old cottage.

Image:  Published by D. Lothrop Company, no artist or author identified [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
